
Never Play - Emily and the Woods

Never play by the stairs, you're bound to fall down,

请别在楼梯旁玩闹 你将失足跌倒

Never play by the hillside, might slip and break your crown

请别在半山嬉戏 你的皇冠会滑掉

Never play by the fire, it's a danger to your health

切勿走向烈火 你会为之灼伤

Never play by the wall, might fall and break yourself.

切勿靠近危墙 你将因坍圮而负伤

Ah Ah Ah,

ah ah ah

Never play by the river, you might tumble in and drown,

不要在水边玩耍 你也许会跌入水中溺亡

Never play by the field, get filthy, dirty and brown,

不要在田野旁游荡 弄得一身污秽肮脏

Never play by yourself, it's a danger to be alone,

犹忌独自游晃 孤身太过危险

Never stray too far away, it's not safe outside of home.

更别远走他乡 外面的世界总不安全

Ah Ah Ah,

ah ah ah

I didn't ask to be born,


And I don't think I'll ask to die.


I didn't ask for the ground beneath my feet, I


Didn't ask for the sky.


All that I ask, my darling,

我所有的希冀 亲爱的

All that I really ask of you,

我所有的希冀 都在于你

All that I ask, my darling,

我一生所求 亲爱的

Is that you stay here with me.

只是你 能在我身旁


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